These made me smile - ok, a couple of them made me groan. Like a good Dad joke, a Christmas pun has a built in audience around the family dinner table.


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Puns were regular fare at our dinner table. Lots of laughs and groans over the years.

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Kathryn, elfish, you’re not. You sleigh-ed me, lady! Lit me up like a Christmas tree. Treemendous, that’s what you are. This is a treemendous mooseletter too, my friend.

Here goes a round of Santa-plause — loud, foot stomping and knee slapping — makes me wanna go Dachshund through the snow, indeedy.

Bah-Hum-Pug, we have no snow here yet. *sigh* Now you got me feeling extra Santa-mental. This is gonna be an Un-Fir-gettable Merry Christmoose. Oh, deer, how rude-olph of you, my fiend. 👏

(I think you can tell I landed in punland. I had pun too. Thanks, gangsta wrappa, you rock).

Merry holidays. Thanks for the fun. Yay! XoXo

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Ahh. You are quite good at this word play. I smiled all the way through and laughed a latte!

Happy holidays, friend!

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That's Good, Keep Going! Currently on YT: "The Honeymooners Full Episodes" + "Principle 15: Maintenance of Sound Health-Follow work with play, mental effort with physical, eating with fasting, seriouness with humor, and you will be on the road to sound health and happiness. Don't try to cure a headache. It is better to cure the thing that caused it. Whatever you possess, material, mental, or spiritual, you must use it or lose it. You are a mind with a body! Since your brain controls your body, know that sound physical health is dependent upon a Positive Mental Attitude. Establish sound, will-balanced health habits in work, play, rest, nourishment, and study, and develop and maintain positive thought habits. Remember, what your mind focuses upon, you mind brings into existence. If you think you're sick, you are. Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve. - Napoleon Hill,1883-1970" Source:The Napoleon Hill Foundation. The Seventeen Principles of Success.

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I agree, laugher does heal.

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And we do need more of it ;)

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