Hi Kathryn, I counted ten clocks, including electronics (which is most of them.) We recently took down our kitchen clock, I don't remember why, but we still look at that spot to check on the time. I didn't need a clock to know it was time to get out the sweaters this morning! Thanks for sharing your inspiration and encouraging words. Oh don't let us lose our wonder!


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Time is a construct. Yet another thing we invented. I think we have 8 clocks, counting the ones in the cars and on our phones. In BC, western Canada, we are going to set our clocks back and then leave them there. No spring forward to look forward to next year. I think it's something to do with syncing with the Western states. It will be interesting when the sun rises at 4 am and sets in the early afternoon. I'd prefer to leave them as they are now if we have to choose one.

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That's Good, Just Do It! W/ ❤ "In absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily traivia, until we ultimately become enslaved by it. - Robert A. Heinlein,1907-1938"

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I counted the clocks in my house, Kathryn. There are only seven, but that doesn't include all the devices like phones, watches, TVs etc. We're in our autumn now, and our clocks go backwards in a couple of weeks (or is it forwards? I can never remember, so I have to ask someone or google it). I like the cosiness of winter coming, but not the dark evenings if I need to go out. I'm not too keen on dark mornings, either. I love your photos, too. Big Ben looks quite splendid standing there against what looks like the evening sky. I rarely want time to rush by these days, preferring to make the most of every moment. The only exception is if I'm exhausted and can't wait for bedtime to come. Thanks for sharing this, Kathryn ... Ellie X ⏰💕

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