That's Good, Do It Now! "Our lives are but specks of dust falling through the fingers of time. Like sands of the hourglass, so are the days of our lives. - Socrates,Greek Philosopher,470BCE-399BCE" ✔Prosperity Bonus: Our greatest freedom is the freedom to choose our attitude. - Viktor E. Frankl,1905-1977" Tip: "One day or day one. You decide."
Beautifully said, Kathryn. I was very interested in learning about rewiring our neural pathways and will definitely make time to watch Christina's Ted Talk this afternoon. It sounds intriguing. What a wonderful lady with an amazing attitude. I feel gratitude is very important, too. I started a daily journal three days ago and have added to it three or more things I feel grateful for and why this is so. Better late than never. Thank you for this thought-provoking piece of writing. Xx 🥰
The brain is a marvelous creation. Christina's story and the stories of so many other resilient individuals always serve to remind me of life's possibilities, even when none seem visible at the moment. Press on with gratitude and joy. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and insights.
I'm grateful for the reminder! Funny how simple practices that really help us can be so darn hard!
And how the simplest acts can produce amazing results. Thanks for reading and sharing.
That's Good, Do It Now! "Our lives are but specks of dust falling through the fingers of time. Like sands of the hourglass, so are the days of our lives. - Socrates,Greek Philosopher,470BCE-399BCE" ✔Prosperity Bonus: Our greatest freedom is the freedom to choose our attitude. - Viktor E. Frankl,1905-1977" Tip: "One day or day one. You decide."
Beautifully said, Kathryn. I was very interested in learning about rewiring our neural pathways and will definitely make time to watch Christina's Ted Talk this afternoon. It sounds intriguing. What a wonderful lady with an amazing attitude. I feel gratitude is very important, too. I started a daily journal three days ago and have added to it three or more things I feel grateful for and why this is so. Better late than never. Thank you for this thought-provoking piece of writing. Xx 🥰
The brain is a marvelous creation. Christina's story and the stories of so many other resilient individuals always serve to remind me of life's possibilities, even when none seem visible at the moment. Press on with gratitude and joy. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and insights.
I'm grateful for my three grown children, best friend, eight grandchildren, and my five siblings,
Sounds like a loving and special family. Thanks for sharing your gratitude. I know the joys of family.