Hi Kathryn - really loved your message about doors and the photos are incredible! It made me think about the concept of doors — even those that are not really there but are an entrance to another step or path or opportunity. Just like an open gate or archway or path in the forest - they are also like an entrance or door to another place in our life’s journey. Even a patient in the hospital is possibly at the entrance of a doorway not visible yet real for how their life moves on. Very thought provoking. Thank you for encouraging boundless thoughts - ah, a door to reflection and realization of the doors in our mind. How beautiful! Genie

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I Loved the doors in Europe as well! So much history and possibility in these portals, especially the ruins. Thanks for the memories.

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That's Good, Keep Going! "Everything is cause and effect. If you don't move, nothing will move with you, and nothing will move toward you. - Michael J. Fox,1961-Present" Prosperity Bonus: Any Idea, plan, or purpose maybe placed in the mind through repetition of thought. - Napoleon Hill,1883-1970"

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I have a collection of door photos too - and windows! There’s something about them. Portals to other dimensions, perhaps? Looking out, stepping out. Thanks for inspiring some pondering 💙

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Thanks, Lisa. I have a collection of windows, too. I also collect numbers and can't offer any explanation as to why, just interesting.

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